LEMON DAYS: Pop-Up Front Step Cards by Val

Welcome back, Memory Bound friends!

We’ve had a great time with our Lemon Days demos over the past few days. If you missed any of them, you’ll find them all on our blog. Just choose the LEMON DAYS category at the right on the front page of our blog.

On Thursday, June 23, we welcomed back Val for a great demo on SWEET Pop-Up Front Step Cards! This was a new fold with that WOW factor. And amazingly, this card folds flat to mail in a regular-size A2 envelope. And once you see Val demo it, you’ll be off and running to make your own!

Click HERE to watch the video.

Click HERE for links to the products Val used.

Val graciously put together instructions and diagrams for us. Thanks so much, Val! Print this out and have it handy while you watch Val’s great video.

Val used our favorite Simple Vintage Lemon Twist collection for her beautiful cards. We have used it throughout Lemon Days and have loved the projects our guests have made with it. If you haven’t picked up this summer collection, you’ll find it HERE.

Val showed us how to put together the card in a couple of different ways: With the “step up” piece on the front and without. It’s super-cute either way! This design gives you a perfect opportunity to layer coordinated papers and ephemera.

Val made this next beautiful card without the front step-up panel! She added a strip of lace for a soft touch. So pretty, Val!

One of the many great things about this card design is that it accomodates a 3×4 cut-apart, slightly trimmed down. Many of us already use cut-aparts on card fronts, and this is another way to get more from them. If you don’t have a 3×4 cut-apart, you can substitute patterend paper, of course!

For this card, Val cut a 6×8 decorative paper into pieces to cover her card. I love how this gives a continuous “flow” to her card front! This is a fun use for patterned paper.

Val often adds ribbon and twine to her cards. We love the black check ribbon at the top! And the gems on the flowers add a bit of sparkle.

Thanks so much, Val, for POPPING by with these wonderful pop-up cards! We can’t wait to give them a try! We so appreciate Val’s great teaching, beautiful samples, and handy directions.

As always, we hope to see you soon at Memory Bound! If you can’t make it in to the store, we offer 24/7 online shopping and super-fast shipping. Or simply call us at (515) 965-1102 during store hours and we’d love to help you find what you need for any of your crafty projects.

Happy Lemon Days!

2 thoughts on “LEMON DAYS: Pop-Up Front Step Cards by Val

    1. Hi, Jennifer – Not sure I understand your question? It would be easiest if you call the store at (515) 965-1102. Thanks much! Janet


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