Welcome to Our New Blog!


Hello, crafty friends! Spring is in the air, making it a perfect time for new beginnings, so with that in mind, welcome to our brand new blog!

If you’re not familiar with our blog, it’s a place where you’ll find a variety of posts that typically go into more detail than you might find in our newsletter, Facebook page, or Instagram. On the blog, we can include more photos, information, and inspiration for you! It’s informal and fun, and we hope you’ll visit often!

Here you’ll find posts about these kinds of topics:

Classes and Events — You’ll find more information about our classes and special events, with additional photos and details, plus links to sign up!

Products — See details about new or favorite products you don’t want to miss!

Projects and Inspiration — We love to share projects made by our staff and customers! Watch for these very special posts as they’re sure to inspire!

Store News — There’s always something FUN happening at Memory Bound. From guest instructors to our Graduation Open House and much more, you’ll find additional information on our blog.

Techniques — We love to share techniques using new products and tools!

Tuesday Technique Videos — Speaking of techniques, we share a fun video every single Tuesday featuring easy and WOW techniques, tips, and tricks!

FOLLOW US! Be sure to follow our blog to have it delivered right to your e-mail inbox whenever we post something new! You’ll find the “FOLLOW” link at the lower right of this page. Note that if you followed our blog previously, you’ll need to “RE-FOLLOW” us again, since this is a brand new blog.

COMMENT! On each post, you’ll find a place to comment or ask questions. We love to hear from you!

We’re super-excited to launch our brand new blog, and we’re even more excited that you are here!

Your friends at Memory Bound


10 thoughts on “Welcome to Our New Blog!

  1. HI, Diane! Our April crop is sold out, but you can call the store to have your names put on a waiting list — (515) 965-1102. We are planning another big off-site crop like this in the fall, so watch for more info!


  2. I was wondering if you had a “trip list” ready yet. I had so much fun on last Fall’s trip to Waco that I am excited to see what you have planned going forward.


    1. Hi, Jennifer! Thanks for your note. An e-mail with trip details went out Wednesday. If you didn’t get it, let us know and we can forward it to you!


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